1. i always bully my dear
2. i always torture my dear (physically and mentally)
3. i always spoiled my dear's mood
4. i always mock my dear
5. i always watch porn
6. i always make broken promises to my dear
7. i always lied to my parents and my bro (for 3 consecutive years)
8. i faked MC letter when i was working in SEED cafe
9. i skipped working days (during College's Practical Training - at Seremban Hilton
=now it is called Royal Adelphi Seremban)
10.i'm always rude to people
11.i always don't care about people's feeling when doing something
12.i also dunno what else i did.......
My Ultimate Wish for all these wrongdoings is TO BE KILLED and DIED UNEXPECTEDLY !!!!
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
1 week ago